Thursday, March 22, 2007

Kline rounds up troops for town hall meeting

Rep. John Kline is apparently concerned about how things will go in his first large scale public face-to-face meeting with constituents in many years. He has been sending out messages to military families on his supporter list asking them to show up for the scheduled town hall meeting on April 3. The agenda of the meeting is wide open, but Iraq and Kline's unwavering support for the Bush administration is sure to be one of the topics. Kline's recruitment of military folks who might be sympathetic to his position indicates he expects trouble on this issue.

If you object to the war, the escalation or the continuing occupation of Iraq by the US, this is as good of time as any to let Congressman Kline know his actions do not represent your views. The meeting starts at 7PM April 3, Lakeville South High School. Some Republican organizations have already indicated on their blogs that they will get there early, presumably to be closer to the microphones.


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