Amy Klobuchar -"This administration has dropped the baton"
Klobuchar talks Health Care, Corporate Tax Loopholes, Iraq & Mark Kennedy
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US Senate Candidate Amy Klobuchar says the Bush administration's "go it alone" foreign policies are weakening US power. Listen as she tells Wendy Wilde how the Bush administation has "dropped the baton" and why we need to return to doing things through diplomacy.
"We were always the world's moral compass. You think of after World War II when we came in there and that helped us. It helped us with our economy and trade and relationships that we had around the world and help from other countries when we needed help. And basically this 'go it alone' foreign policy has destroyed that moral compass that we have in the world and we need to regain that and go back to looking at diplomacy"
Amy sat down with Wendy at the Wilde Roast Cafe recently for an energetic discussion of the issues in the US Senate campaign. Among the topics covered in this 30 minute podcast:
Health care- Klobuchar wants universal health care first and says eventually we can get to a single payer system. She says the change will help all businesses since health care is becoming a larger and larger benefit for businesses to pay.
Iraq- Klobuchar is outraged that Halliburton has overcharged the US Government for work in Iraq and now the Bush administration is willing to just "let it go".
Business- Klobuchar would like to eliminate tax loopholes that allow businesses to set up shell corporations in Bermuda.
Likely Republican opponent Mark Kennedy - Kennedy claims he is independent of the administration, but Klobuchar says his voting record shows otherwise
Democratic "backbone" - Klobuchar says Democrats in the past have been afraid to differentiate between what's right and what's wrong. She says that has to change. "It is right to have social security to be a guarantee. It's wrong to make it a gamble. It's right to invest in our kids' education and affordable healthcare and it's wrong to give oversized tax cuts to the wealthiest among us. It's right to equip our troops and herald them as heroes when they return from war and its wrong to go to war without a plan"
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"We were always the world's moral compass. You think of after World War II when we came in there and that helped us. It helped us with our economy and trade and relationships that we had around the world and help from other countries when we needed help. And basically this 'go it alone' foreign policy has destroyed that moral compass that we have in the world and we need to regain that and go back to looking at diplomacy"
Amy sat down with Wendy at the Wilde Roast Cafe recently for an energetic discussion of the issues in the US Senate campaign. Among the topics covered in this 30 minute podcast:
Health care- Klobuchar wants universal health care first and says eventually we can get to a single payer system. She says the change will help all businesses since health care is becoming a larger and larger benefit for businesses to pay.
Iraq- Klobuchar is outraged that Halliburton has overcharged the US Government for work in Iraq and now the Bush administration is willing to just "let it go".
Business- Klobuchar would like to eliminate tax loopholes that allow businesses to set up shell corporations in Bermuda.
Likely Republican opponent Mark Kennedy - Kennedy claims he is independent of the administration, but Klobuchar says his voting record shows otherwise
Democratic "backbone" - Klobuchar says Democrats in the past have been afraid to differentiate between what's right and what's wrong. She says that has to change. "It is right to have social security to be a guarantee. It's wrong to make it a gamble. It's right to invest in our kids' education and affordable healthcare and it's wrong to give oversized tax cuts to the wealthiest among us. It's right to equip our troops and herald them as heroes when they return from war and its wrong to go to war without a plan"
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