Ellison gets vote of confidence following Iraq vote
Voting for the Iraq military appropriation bill has apparently not undermined Congressman Keith Ellison's core support. Last night The MN 5th District DFL Central Committee passed the following resolution:
Be it resolved that we give to Rep. Keith Ellison a very strong vote of confidence for performance in office to date.
The resolution was approved by overwhelming voice vote.
Rep. Ellison's support for the bill that appropriated money for the US military in Iraq and set out a timetable for withdrawal was not assured. The Congressman had reservations about voting for war spending. Despite those reservations he voted for the bill because the withdrawal timetable was part of the package. At the time Ellison was loudly criticized by several DFL party activists.
Video:Kline asks us to check his record-Conclusion:Republican agenda ahead of Veterans
Congressman John Kline, R-MN likes to say he is a big supporters of military veterans. At a recent town meeting he avoided talking about specific votes a constituent asked about. He said to check the Congressional Record. So we did.
Now Congressman Kline may object to someone saying he doesn’t always support veterans… and he’ll point out that many of these votes were “procedural votes”. Meaning they were votes to send a bill back to committee with instructions to make some changes in the bill. But in each case, the changes in the bill were for the benefit of military veterans. Kline could have sided with them, but he decided instead to side with whatever the Republican agenda was at that moment. Kline is correct that he supports veterans. They just come after the Republican agenda.
5/25/05 Kline votes against an amendment to add $185 Million to provide health care coverage for National guard and reservists in exchange for cutting the Base Relocation and Closing funding by the same amount See page H4044
4/14/05 Kline votes against debt protection for returning National Guard and reservists. See page H2074
3/16/05 Kline votes against providing $100 million in health and $50 million in job training transitional assistance to help active duty forces make the transition to the veterans benefits system. See Page H1524Roll call vote
11/7/03 Kline votes against expanding full retirement and disability benefits to all veterans. See page H11007
Kline's ratings on veterans' issues from Project Vote Smart.
I'll have more video coverage from Congressman John Kline's Town Hall meeting later, but I did want to pass along this short video. In response to a question from a college student about tuition costs, Congressman Kline said he was looking for ways to bring college costs down, but he didn't have any solutions and would welcome some. Be careful what you ask for, the student offered a solution.
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